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: : [b][img]http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/8ogAAOSwpzdWqil1/s-l500.jpg[/img] : ARMY OF DARKNESS 1st Limited Series #1 (Dark Horse-1992) : *(Grade:NEAR MINT) : #1 : *EARLIEST COMIC APPEARACE OF ASH! : *Written by Sam Raimi and Ivan Raimi. Art and cover by John Bolton. : "Who's laughing now?" Not Ash, the hero of Sam Raimi's : cult-classic film Evil Dead II. Armed with his chainsaw and : shotgun, Ash finds himself stranded in the Middle Ages battling : the resurrected armies of the dead! : : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=161961575147 : [/b]
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